AWANA 2024-25 Registration Form

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We are excited to offer a Wednesday night AWANA program to kids age 3 through 6th grade!
The total cost of participation for the year is $40 for the first child, $30 for the second, and $25 for each additional child. This helps to cover the cost of books, a vest (Cubbies and Sparks) or shirt (T&T), and awards for each child.

The dues can be paid by check or by donating online at and indicating it is for "AWANA dues."

The program runs from September through May.
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Parent/Guardian Information:
Child(ren) Information:
Please select one option.
The Cubbies group (ages 3-5) will have a snack time each night, and the older groups will occasionally have a special snack.
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Let us know more about you!
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I, the parent/guardian acknowledge that the programs of Grace Pointe Baptist Church are administered by volunteers. In consideration for accepting the registration of the named individuals and permitting the voluntary participation of said individuals in its programs, I (for myself as well as for my child, his heirs and assigns) hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Grace Pointe Baptist Church and their volunteers from and against any and all claims arising out of or relating to illness, physical injury, death or other damages that may result to said individual while participating in a church sponsored event. I attest that my child is physically capable to participate in this event. However, should officials, representatives or volunteers determine in their sole discretion that completion or participation in any games or events would be injurious to my child's health, or should my child become ill or sick, I consent to his or her removal and treatment by any physical or medical care provider at the discretion of the event or volunteers. I give my permission for free use of my child's name and/or picture in broadcasts, telecasts or written accounts of any participation in any church event.
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Please select all that apply.


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